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Found 4368 samples with:

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Sample Name/ID Sample type Amplicon target Location / site Latitude Longitude Collection timestamp Dataset
Zd6484a amplicon 18S Lake Superior 46.7741 -91.85562 2016-06-01 Western Lake Superior, Lake tow sample - Meredith et al. 2021
Pseudomonas sp. strain LEw-1033 amplicon 16S Lake Erie 16S amplicons for six bacterial[…] - Krishnan et al. 2018
Brevibacillus parabrevis strain LEw-1238 amplicon 16S Lake Erie 16S amplicons for six bacterial[…] - Krishnan et al. 2018
Bacillus thuringiensis strain LEw-2010 amplicon 16S Lake Erie 16S amplicons for six bacterial[…] - Krishnan et al. 2018
Pseudomonas sp. strain LEw-2166 amplicon 16S Lake Erie 16S amplicons for six bacterial[…] - Krishnan et al. 2018
Stenotrophomonas maltophilia strain LEw-1278 amplicon 16S Lake Erie 16S amplicons for six bacterial[…] - Krishnan et al. 2018
Acidovorax facilis train LEw-2 amplicon 16S Lake Erie 16S amplicons for six bacterial[…] - Krishnan et al. 2018
LakeErieM5_W_9/21/17 amplicon 16S Lake Erie 41.6850 -82.87000 2017-09-21 Lake Erie and Lake Agawam[…] - Jankowiak and Gobler 2022
LakeErieM5_W_9/18/17 amplicon 16S Lake Erie 41.6850 -82.87000 2017-09-18 Lake Erie and Lake Agawam[…] - Jankowiak and Gobler 2022
099_FMRMN29 amplicon 16S Bv6 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 43.0494 -88.00829 2011-06-15 Water samples taken from Lake Michigan,[…] - Fisher et al. 205
094_FMRMN70 amplicon 16S Bv6 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 43.0418 -87.98725 2009-10-22 Water samples taken from Lake Michigan,[…] - Fisher et al. 205
093_FMRHC35 amplicon 16S Bv6 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 43.0310 -88.01490 2008-10-09 Water samples taken from Lake Michigan,[…] - Fisher et al. 205
09_SMN01E_5_6_09 amplicon 16S Bv6 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 43.0771 -88.04843 2009-05-06 Water samples taken from Lake Michigan,[…] - Fisher et al. 205
52_Junction_8_23_11 amplicon 16S Bv6 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 43.0247 -87.90270 2011-08-23 Water samples taken from Lake Michigan,[…] - Fisher et al. 205
162_MKE_River_10_14_11 amplicon 16S Bv6 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 43.0485 -87.91170 2011-10-14 Water samples taken from Lake Michigan,[…] - Fisher et al. 205
161_KK_River_10_14_11 amplicon 16S Bv6 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 43.0084 -87.90800 2011-10-14 Water samples taken from Lake Michigan,[…] - Fisher et al. 205
rr339p2 amplicon Lake Mendota 43.0995 -89.4045 2013-08-06 Lake Mendota (WI) amplicon metagenomes - Rohwer et al. 2023
rr433p2 amplicon Lake Mendota 43.0995 -89.4045 2009-11-14 Lake Mendota (WI) amplicon metagenomes - Rohwer et al. 2023
N2710 amplicon 16S V3-V4 Niagra 43.0873 -79.2916 2014-11-17 Niagara Penninsula watershed extensive[…] - Mohiuddin et al. 2019
N2719 amplicon 16S V3-V4 Niagra 43.1613 -79.9368 2014-11-17 Niagara Penninsula watershed extensive[…] - Mohiuddin et al. 2019
N2718 amplicon 16S V3-V4 Niagra 43.1707 -79.9474 2014-11-17 Niagara Penninsula watershed extensive[…] - Mohiuddin et al. 2019
N2717 amplicon 16S V3-V4 Niagra 43.1033 -79.2112 2014-11-18 Niagara Penninsula watershed extensive[…] - Mohiuddin et al. 2019
Zymo_Log_18S-ITS_dualindex_2019 amplicon 18S ITS Automated sampling of Western Lake Erie[…] - Den Uyl et al. 2022
N2716 amplicon 16S V3-V4 Niagra 42.8763 -79.0199 2014-11-17 Niagara Penninsula watershed extensive[…] - Mohiuddin et al. 2019
N2724 amplicon 16S V3-V4 Niagra 42.9968 -79.5662 2014-11-17 Niagara Penninsula watershed extensive[…] - Mohiuddin et al. 2019