Publication: Iwaloye et al. 2024 "Lake Erie ice is a repository of[…]"

Authors: Opeoluwa F. Iwaloye, Brenna Michaud, Tessa Alloy, Nigel D'Souza, R. Michael L. McKay, Paul Morris, Colby Gura, Scott O. Rogers
Title: Lake Erie ice is a repository of organisms
Published in: Microbiology Resource Announcements (2024)
Key words: metagenome, metatranscriptome, great lakes, cyanobacteria, anthropogenic
Abstract: Organism abundance and diversity were assessed in Lake Erie ice samples using sequences derived from a combined metagenomic and metatranscriptomic analysis. The 68,417 unique sequences were from Bacteria (77.5%), Eukarya (22.3%), and Archaea (0.2%) and indicated diverse species of organisms from 32 bacterial, 8 eukaryotic, and 2 archaeal taxonomic groups.
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