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Found 1451 samples with:

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Sample Name/ID Sample type Amplicon target Location / site Latitude Longitude Collection timestamp Dataset
Kit_Control_4 amplicon Lake Erie Microcystis colony communities evaluated[…] - Smith et al. 2021
Bacillus thuringiensis strain LEw-2010 amplicon 16S Lake Erie 16S amplicons for six bacterial[…] - Krishnan et al. 2018
M.aeruginosa LE3_16S amplicon 16S V4 Lake Erie Automated sampling of Western Lake Erie[…] - Den Uyl et al. 2022
Pseudomonas sp. strain LEw-2166 amplicon 16S Lake Erie 16S amplicons for six bacterial[…] - Krishnan et al. 2018
Kit_Control_1 amplicon Lake Erie Microcystis colony communities evaluated[…] - Smith et al. 2021
Stenotrophomonas maltophilia strain LEw-1278 amplicon 16S Lake Erie 16S amplicons for six bacterial[…] - Krishnan et al. 2018
S. quadricauda CPCC 158_18S-ITS amplicon 18S ITS Lake Erie Automated sampling of Western Lake Erie[…] - Den Uyl et al. 2022
Brevibacillus parabrevis strain LEw-1238 amplicon 16S Lake Erie 16S amplicons for six bacterial[…] - Krishnan et al. 2018
Acidovorax facilis train LEw-2 amplicon 16S Lake Erie 16S amplicons for six bacterial[…] - Krishnan et al. 2018
BIE_Kit_Control amplicon Lake Erie Microcystis colony communities evaluated[…] - Smith et al. 2021
AB_ballast water metagenome Lake Erie 2013-05-15 Ballast water collected from carrier ships[…] - Kim et al. 2015
Pseudomonas sp. strain LEw-1033 amplicon 16S Lake Erie 16S amplicons for six bacterial[…] - Krishnan et al. 2018
Freshwater and sediment microbial communities from dead zone in Lake Ontario, USA - itags 2 metagenome Lake Erie 43.33300 -76.8392 2012-05-22 Dead zone in Sandusky Bay, Ohio freshwater and sediment[…]
LE879-20171014-1M-C amplicon Lake Erie 42.3508 -79.5502 2017-10-14 Sampling from the Thames River,[…] - Crevecoeur et al. 2023
LE879-20171014-1M-A amplicon Lake Erie 42.3508 -79.5502 2017-10-14 Sampling from the Thames River,[…] - Crevecoeur et al. 2023
LE879-20171014-1M-B amplicon Lake Erie 42.3508 -79.5502 2017-10-14 Sampling from the Thames River,[…] - Crevecoeur et al. 2023
ER15M MHY Summer 2012 metagenome Lake Erie 42.5167 -79.89330 August 2012 Podowski et al. 2022
ER15M_DCL_Aug2013 amplicon 16S V4-V5 Lake Erie 42.5167 -79.89333 2013-08-11 Transects across the Laurentian Great[…] - Paver et al. 2019
ER15M_MID_April2013 amplicon 16S V4-V5 Lake Erie 42.5167 -79.89333 2013-04-03 Transects across the Laurentian Great[…] - Paver et al. 2019
ER15M_SRF_Aug2013 amplicon 16S V4 Lake Erie 42.5167 -79.89333 2013-08-11 Transects across the Laurentian Great[…] - Paver et al. 2019
ER15M_MID_April2013 amplicon 16S V4 Lake Erie 42.5167 -79.89333 2013-04-03 Transects across the Laurentian Great[…] - Paver et al. 2019
ER15M_SRF_April2013 amplicon 16S V4 Lake Erie 42.5167 -79.89333 2013-04-03 Transects across the Laurentian Great[…] - Paver et al. 2019
ER15M_Bminus_Aug2013 amplicon 16S V4 Lake Erie 42.5167 -79.89333 2013-08-11 Transects across the Laurentian Great[…] - Paver et al. 2019
ER15M_Bminus_Aug2013 amplicon 16S V4-V5 Lake Erie 42.5167 -79.89333 2013-08-11 Transects across the Laurentian Great[…] - Paver et al. 2019
ER15M_DCL_Aug2013 amplicon 16S V4 Lake Erie 42.5167 -79.89333 2013-08-11 Transects across the Laurentian Great[…] - Paver et al. 2019