Samples for Dead zone in Sandusky Bay, Ohio freshwater and sediment[…]:

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Sample Name/ID Sample type Amplicon target Location / site Latitude Longitude Collection timestamp
Freshwater and sediment microbial communities from dead zone in Lake Erie, Canada - itags metagenome Lake Erie 41.84100 -82.917 2011-07-17
Lake Erie CCB epilimnion July 2011 metagenome Lake Erie 41.7700 -81.73000 2011-07-19
Freshwater microbial communities from dead zone in Lake Erie, Canada - CCB RNA epilimnion July 2011 metagenome Lake Erie 41.7700 -81.73000 2011-07-19
Freshwater microbial communities from dead zone in Lake Erie, Canada - CCB RNA hypolimnion July 2011 metagenome Lake Erie 41.7700 -81.73000 2011-07-19
Lake Erie CCB hypolimnion July 2011 metagenome Lake Erie 41.7700 -81.73000 2011-07-19
Freshwater microbial communities from dead zone in Lake Erie, Canada - itags metagenome Lake Erie 41.7700 -81.73000 2011-07-20
Freshwater and sediment microbial communities from dead zone in Lake Ontario, USA - itags 2 metagenome Lake Erie 43.33300 -76.8392 2012-05-22
Freshwater and sediment microbial communities from Lake Erie, Canada metagenome Lake Erie 42.2854 -81.35559 2013-03-29
Lake Superior Sta WM archaea Metagenome metagenome Lake Superior 47.7720 -86.88100 2013-03-29
Lake Ontario Sta 18 – epilimnion Metatranscriptome metatranscriptome Lake Ontario 43.9335 -78.00385 2013-05-21
Lake Ontario Sta 18 – epilimnion Metagenome metagenome Lake Ontario 43.9335 -78.00385 2013-05-21
Sandusky Bay Metatranscriptome metatranscriptome Lake Erie 41.4749 -82.85414 2013-06-11
Sandusky Bay Metagenome metagenome Lake Erie 41.4749 -82.85414 2013-06-11
Lentic ecosystem from a dead zone in Lake Erie, USA metagenome Lake Erie 42.1337 -81.24300